One Month of Classes

After one month of classes at the International Centre of Photography, students in the Documentary Photography and Photojournalism program reflect upon the first few weeks in the best way we know how – through pictures.

1Month ICP-1 Always with the cameras, students sit outside ICP, Grace Plaza/Sara Frisby

1Month ICP-2 Black and White Photography instructor Jay Manis with ICP PJ students in the labs/Sara Frisby

1Month ICP-3 During a rare occurrence of downtime, ICP students hang out in the student lounge/Sara Frisby


1Month ICP-4Timothy Fadeck presents one of Jim Nachtwey’s images during a weekly Picture Making course/Sara Frisby


1Month ICP-5 We are still here. One month of classes at ICP/Sara Frisby


1Month ICP-6 First month of classes at ICP/Sara Frisby


1Month ICP-8 Weekly picture critique/Sara Frisby


ICP one month, Labs
Lab fashion show/Elena Hermosa


ICP one month, Eugene Richard awardsICP PJ contingent representing at the annual W. Eugene Smith awards at SVA/Elena Hermosa


ICP one month, lighting class Esteban Kuriel, posing for yet another flash demonstration/Elena Hermosa


sidelight fun
Those side-lit Beatles/Shih-Chieh Wei


1Month ICP-14 Story time with Nelson Bakerman/Sara Frisby


1Month ICP-15Monsters and mayhem in Nelson Bakerman’s flash class/Natasha Srour


Author: garethsmit1

Curator, ICP PJ Blog

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